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Where can I buy Kitty Kitty Meow Meow?
How many players can play?
What is the age range?
How many cards are in the game?
I lost my instructions, can I download them?
What are the sizes and specs of the cards?
What is a Clowder?
Where can I buy Kitty Kitty Meow Meow?Currently you can buy Kitty Kitty Meow Meow by supporting us on Kickstarter.
How many players can play?2 to 6 players
What is the age range for players?This game is literally for all ages.
How many cards are in the game?(54) KITTY CARDS (38) ACTION CARDS (15) ADVANTAGE CARDS (1) SLEEPY TIME CARD
I lost my instructions, can I download them?"Click on "How to Play" and you will find the complete instructions.
What is a clowder?A clowder is a group of cats. The goal of the game is to make your clowder bigger than the other players.
What is the average game play time?20 to 30 minutes can be expected.
I backed your game on Kickstarter. Where are my Kitties?All Kitty Kitty Meow Meow games will be shipped out approximately 30 days after the end of the Kickstarter campaign.
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